Wall with pins and threads tied over it to form a network.

Empowering Women in Tech: Encounters and Perspectives in Barcelona

As part of the German government’s lecture programme, Sophia Tran travelled to Barcelona to speak with representatives from the Spanish start-up scene and motivate pupils to take up a profession in the tech field.

Spain, known for its very lively tech scene, was the goal of the lecture tour I undertook in the autumn of 2023. I spoke to committed businesswomen about the challenges which face women in the tech industry, including that in Spain. Among other places, my journey took me to Juno House, Barcelona’s first member club, which was designed by and for women and focuses on holistic well-being and professional development. It also led me to NeDeNa, the network of German-speaking young professionals.

Women’s Rocky Road in a Male-Dominated Industry

From financing to equal opportunities: the road for women in the tech industry is not without its obstacles, even in Spain. Some women report that it is difficult to obtain funding and that their ideas are often not taken seriously. This doesn’t surprise me at all. In Germany, we’re still working to attract more women to technical professions and ensure broader recognition.

Nevertheless, I was very impressed by the innovative strength and determination of Spanish women. Many of them had already founded their own company; others were planning to do so in the near future. I was also impressed by the variety of industrial sectors: everything from fashion to culinary delights and technological solutions. Questions were not always asked in front of the general audience, but rather after my lectures: “How does one become an investor?” “How do I assert myself as a woman in the technological industry?” “How can I obtain investments as a female founder?” I advised them not to let themselves be put off by stereotypes, to believe in their own abilities and to bravely go their own way.

Education in Schools: Graded Insufficient to Failure

The exchange between pupils from the German School and the German Business School in Barcelona was just as enlightening for me. They showed great interest in the future of women in the tech industry and asked questions which indicated that they themselves were full of curiosity and fascination for technology.

I advised them not to let themselves be put off by stereotypes, to believe in their own abilities and to bravely go their own way.

It became apparent that there is still not enough information given on occupational perspectives in the STEM professions (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) as well as on alternatives to a salaried position. But upbringing also plays a role. Girls must learn to be self-confident and that they do not need to conform to social roles.

“You’ll never manage that!”

I personally have experienced both support as well as rejection in the tech industry because of my gender. More than once, people (especially men) wanted to talk me into choosing a different professional path. And every time I told myself, “Now more than ever!” My decision to stop studying electrical engineering was part of this path. I didn’t want to just memorize and present facts and formulas; instead, I wanted to work in a practical way. Academic studies in the STEM subjects is certainly a solid foundation, but there are many possibilities for gaining a foothold in the tech industry, and passion and initiative are just as important as a formal education.

One Approach: Investing in the Future

At “Spotlight! Ventures”, the investment company which I founded in 2021, we focus on promoting women in the tech industry. When selecting start-ups, we make sure that at least half of the founder team consists of women.

A well-balanced participation of women in technological professions not only drives innovation ahead, but also leads to more diverse solutions which will be sustainable in the future. This has meanwhile been proven numerous times. Women may be more risk-averse than men but, as our experience has confirmed, when they found a company, it remains successful in the long term.

Furthermore, we encourage women in particular to found technology-based companies. To this end, we provide them with resources such as training sessions; we network them with exciting personalities and offer them a platform on which to present themselves.

Empowerment Through Technology

According to a current McKinsey study on “Women in Tech”, only 22 per cent of all European tech jobs are held by women. Both countries, Spain and Germany, face the same challenge: namely, to win over more women for the tech industry. In Germany, the visibility of women in the tech industry has experienced a positive change during the past years. There are increased attempts to promote women. But there’s still a lot to do.

According to a current McKinsey study on “Women in Tech”, only 22 per cent of all European tech jobs are held by women.

I am convinced that technology can change the world and make it a better place. Thus, my motto is: empowerment through technology, whereby digital mentorship platforms such as the “Female Investors Network” play a decisive role. Women obtain not only specialized knowledge here. They learn to present themselves in a self-confident manner and have the possibility to become part of a global network, profiting from the experiences of successful businesswomen from the tech industry as well as other fields. Some women in Barcelona told me about similar platforms in Spain.
This lecture tour gave me not only important insights into the Spanish tech industry, but also convinced me once again to continue to encourage women to follow their passion for technology.

About the Author
Portrait of Sophia Tran
Sophia Tran
Founder and CEO of “Spotlight! Ventures”

Sophia Tran is the founder and CEO of “Spotlight! Ventures”. She is also the state spokesperson for the German Start-up Association in North Rhine-Westphalia as well as a member of the Advisory Board for the “Young Digital Economy NRW” (Junge Digitale Wirtschaft NRW). She is well known as a tech influencer in social media and as a host for international tech conferences as well as various TV formats such as “Abenteuer Leben” (channel: Kabel 1), “Galileo” (channel: ProSieben) and GIGA.tv.

Lecture Programme of the German Federal Government

Experts from politics, academia, culture and the media provide up-to-date and multi-faceted information about Germany in lectures and panel discussions. The ifa organises the Federal Government's lecture programme together with the German embassies and consulates abroad. It is aimed at multipliers from civil society in these countries. Find out more on the ifa website.