An Exercise in Sitting with Discomfort

Towards more equitable support for relocation in North-South contexts

International relocation initiatives for cultural workers are characterised by colonial history and global North-South power relations. How can we strengthen civil society actors who have to leave their home countries and at the same time be sensitive to their experiences of discrimination? What are the needs of displaced cultural workers? To what extent are relocation initiatives able to recognise and effectively dismantle power asymmetries, discrimination and racism on an individual, institutional and structural level? How can relocation initiatives and host organisations implement equality, justice and an anti-racist approach? What change processes are necessary for change?


Year of publication: 2022

Rana Yazaji, Marion Schmidt

Type of publication: Studies
Topic: Culture and Foreign Policy, Art and Cultural Heritage, Protection and Relocation, Civil Society
Edition: 1
Pages: 84
Series: ifa Edition Culture and Foreign Policy
Art. No.: 7092

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