Decolonising ethnological museums

Art as a way out of the crisis of representation?

The history of ethnological museums is inextricably linked to Eurocentrism and colonialism. The postcolonial critique of museums has not yet been reflected in museum practice. It does not begin with the appropriation and subjugation of bodies and objects from foreign cultures, but with the epistemological concepts on which the institution of the museum is based. How can museums encounter this past? Is it possible to transform a colonial institution into a space for postcolonial dialogue? What are the challenges at the interface of ethnological museums and art?

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Year of publication: 2018

Regina Wonisch

Type of publication: Inputs
Topic: (Post-)Colonialism, International Cultural Relations, Culture and Foreign Policy, Art and Cultural Heritage
Edition: 1
Pages: 10
Series: ifa Input
Art. No.: 9004