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China's Institutionalised Cultural Presence in Africa

Cultural Investments, Perceptions, and Implications for China-Africa Cultural Relations

China has become Africa's largest trading partner. For a long time, China's investment in large infrastructure projects was viewed favourably, but there is a growing awareness in both civil society and government circles of the ambivalent consequences. What are China's security interests in Africa? What interests does it have in building up soft power? What is the role of the rapidly growing number of African students at Chinese universities? And what are the effects of China's growing investment in the cultural infrastructure of African countries, in theatres, museums, media and the film industry?

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Year of publication: 2023

Avril Joffe

Type of publication: Studies
Topic: International Cultural Relations, Culture and Foreign Policy
Edition: 1
Pages: 126
Series: ifa-Edition Culture and Foreign Policy
Art. No.: 7099

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