Wellbeing During Temporary International Relocation

Case Studies and Good Practices for the Implementation of the 2019 Barcelona Guidelines

The physical and mental wellbeing of human rights defenders is crucial for the sustainability of their difficult and demanding work. The Barcelona Guidelines 2019 frame the principles for the work of mental health professionals and provide guidance to coordinators of international temporary relocation initiatives. What practices have proven successful and can contribute to putting the specific recommendations and cross-cutting issues of the Guidelines into practice? What welfare practices are of direct benefit to human rights defenders? What are the key areas for a comprehensive understanding of wellbeing in relocation?



Year of publication: 2020

Patricia Bartley

Type of publication: Studies
Topic: Intercultural Dialogue, Art and Cultural Heritage, Protection and Relocation, Civil Society
Edition: 1
Pages: 22
Series: ifa Edition Cultur and Foreign Policy
Art. No.: 7091

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