Transnational foreign cultural policy – Beyond national culture

Prerequisites and perspectives for the intersection of domestic and foreign policy

The credibility of a foreign cultural policy that promotes values such as democracy, freedom of expression and the rule of law is only as strong as the society that lives these values at home. In order to give Europe a stronger voice in the world, foreign cultural policy should in future take on a post-national and more European orientation. How can the basic democratic order be defended both externally and internally by a critical civil society? How can an effective foreign cultural policy counteract the loss of credibility of German development policy? And how should it take into account the lack of debate – also at EU level – on the legacy of colonial history? To what extent must intercultural domestic policy and foreign cultural policy go hand in hand? And how can civil society actors in Germany participate in the development of transnational networks to strengthen foreign cultural policy?

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Year of publication: 2019

Sigrid Weigel

Type of publication: Studies
Topic: Basics in External Cultural Policy and Education, International Cultural Relations, Culture and Foreign Policy, Art and Cultural Heritage, Civil Society
Edition: 1
Pages: 142
Series: ifa Edition Culture and Foreign Policy
Art. No.: 7062

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